Holy Shit Tits!

Well, I was spending some time perusing some websites recently and I happened across a photo that made me shout out loud “Holy Shit Tits!”, and that got my thinking.

My thoughts were that we should have a completely new way of defining boobs – normal boobs, which are fine and beautiful, and holy shit tits – which make you shout out as soon as you see them “Holy Shit!”.

Of course, Holy Shit Tits are dangerous things because if you find yourself shouting “Holy Shit Tits” when loved ones, colleagues, or generally surrounded by people you may get some very odd looks. Particularly if you are shouting it about the breasticles of someone in the room with you.

And perhaps a slap around the face.

So keep “Holy Shit Tits” to yourself until you are at a safe distance and then let it out! Holy Shit Tits, Batman! (Sorry to DC and their fans, could not resist!)

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